Leeds, UK


Radar Love – Visualising the Scrum Values

Working as a Scrum Master I asked myself… “How do I know if my team are demonstrating the Scrum Values? What can I use to show their current state?” Remembering an exercise I did some years ago whist at my local Agile group – Agile Yorkshire, I thought I could use a “Spider Web” to…
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So Where is the Value?

In everything we do there should be some value – some importance in what we do. If not, then why do it? Without any worth, the thing that you’re doing becomes a chore or you can easily drift on to something else. So we need to see the value in what we’re doing.

Behaviours of an Agile Developer

After being a Developer and having worked with some great Scrum Teams, I thought it would be worth highlighting some of the characteristics an Agile Developer should have when working in an Agile team.  

What will the board look like tomorrow?

One of the purposes of the Daily Scrum is for the Development team’s opportunity to plan for the next 24 hours. Some teams naturally do this – working together to see where they can aim to be by the next Daily Scrum.

Definition of Done

The Definition of Done (DoD) enables a team to understand what things must happen to a Product Backlog Item (PBI) for it to be considered complete (done). The DoD is a list of statements (quite possibly a check list) that defines the actions and states what must be successfully completed to each PBI in the sprint, e.g. all code must be code…
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What Are Your Sprint Buttons?

Many years ago when I first attended a Scrum course, it was suggested that the burndown chart was similar to a boat moving from point a to point b and the burndown records its progress – sometimes it is on course, sometimes it is off and adjustments need to be made in order to correct…
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The Power of Done

Gunther Verheyen says that Scrum starts with Done and a recent incident in a Scrum Team I’m working with helped me remember the power of the Definition of Done.